Engine Control Sleeve for Clutch on 816ST-45 Delrin bushing to replace a worn or broken bushing on the internal clutch lever assembly for 816ST-45 engine controls. ID = 1" MSRP: Was: Now: $6.00 Add to Cart
Internal Clutch Lever Assembly (For 816ST-45 Engine Controls) Internal Cutch Lever Assembly to replace parts in 816ST-45 engine controls. Includes bushing and fasteners MSRP: Was: Now: $111.00 Add to Cart
Bronze Control Clevis - 33 Series Edson's Bronze Engine Control Clevis is designed to attach the Engine Control Cable to the Engine Control Handles on the pedestal. Accommodates #816 and #870 Engine Controls and Series 33 Engine Control Cables. MSRP: Was: Now: $33.00 Add to Cart
Engine Control Decal A red decal on your engine controls provides you and your guests with instructions at a glance. It is supplied with all new controls. Order a replacement if yours has become unreadable. Works for all engine controls. MSRP: Was: Now: $5.00 Add to Cart
Engine Control Cable Clamp Nylon Edson's Nylon Engine Control Cable Clamp #960-A-969 is for 5/16” 33 Series Cable (Use with #816 & #870 Controls). MSRP: Was: Now: $37.00 Add to Cart
Engine Control Cable Clamp Aluminum Edson's Aluminum Engine Control Cable Clamp #960-A-705 is for 9/16” 64 Series Cable (Use with #751 Controls). MSRP: Was: Now: $46.00 Add to Cart