Welcome to the Edson Blog

Welcome to the Edson Blog

Posted by Edson on Feb 8th 2022

Welcome to the Edson Blog! Blogging may be a dying artform but we still make worm gear steerers, so no one does “dying artform” quite like Edson. This is actually something of a resurrection of Edson’s original newsletter, The Edson Line, of which Jacob Edson himself was the first author. Big shoes!

We do all the social media stuff like Facebook and Instagram (and if you don’t already, please follow us on those) but many of our topics lend themselves to a longer narrative form, for which the blog is perfect.

Our schedule will naturally vary somewhat, but the goal is a weekly post. We’ve got topics lined up for a year or so, so sticking to that will initially be easy. Beyond that? We’ll see. Our products span a wide range of marine stuff, so sometimes we’ll be talking about prepping your steering for the Bermuda Race and other times we’ll talk about Reed’s flats fishing trip, and we’ll be down in the bowels of superyachts on occasion as well.

One of our big mandates for this is to provide technical help. We’ve spent a bunch of the last few weeks building a studio where we can film helpful how-to videos, but sometimes words fill in the gaps and give helpful context. We have an amazing (really, truly unbelievable) depth of knowledge in our customer service department, but they are few and you are many. We aim to give all who are inclined the information to help themselves.

Aside from that, we get involved in a lot of neat projects and work with a bunch of cool people doing interesting things, and we’ll share those and whatever else of note comes up as well.

Looking forward to warmer days…